Day 20 

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It does not seem like it could possibly be day 20 but here it is. 5 more to go! The time has flown by and somehow this has been turned into something I look forward to each day. Even the 4AM wake up is not really an issue any more.

The drive is bearable as the traffic does not start to get heavy until about 6 and I am usually parked in the BWH 45 Francis St garage in “my” space, number 231, by then. It is “my” space only because I am usually one of the first cars in the garage and I have parked in that spot everyday.

The weather has been amazing so getting out for walks before treatment is the best part of the trip. Took a different route today and ended up going by the Mass Fine Arts building. Pretty impressive looking place from the outside so I have to assume the inside would be even better! Need to bring Kathy and take a walk thru the museum.

As I rounded the building and started to head back towards the hospitals I came across a family of Canadian geese. Mom, Dad and 3 little ones. Dad decided it was time to head across the street to a nice little park which I assume is home.

Dad stepped out in to the street, stopped in the middle and turned towards the oncoming SUV as if to say STOP and sure enough, the driver stopped. Dad then turned to Mom and babies and they all followed his lead and hustled across the street. All but one baby who was pecking away at some food on the ground and was not aware his family has left the feeding area. Dad made a noise, still standing in the middle of the road, and the baby realized he had better get moving. Off he went with his short little wings waving in the air as he ran to catch up with Mom and the sibs. It was so cute to see the family dynamic at work. Once the straggler had crossed, Dad made his way across the road and allowed the SUV to go on its way.

The episode left me with a smile and the realization that it is the little things that make you happy and you should not miss any of them no matter how small. Enjoy every moment and savor each hour of every day.

3 thoughts on “Day 20 

    Sharon said:
    June 10, 2015 at 10:26 am

    Tony, it sounds like you are doing well and I am so happy for you. I believe you have always known that its the little things that make you happy, but the story about the geese was adorable. Thank you for your updates!

    Liked by 1 person

    peter wallis said:
    June 10, 2015 at 12:31 pm

    Hey Bro, great post !! amazing how this time has flown !! yes, the morning walksare certainly a big bonus of your daily trip 🙂

    Charming story of the Can geese…how interesting how this period of time,so different than before, has given you gifts of savoring and appreciationas in this story :+} thanks for keeping up your posts for all ofyour fans and family !! Much Love, PetrBro

    From: Tony’s Journey To: Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 7:21 AM Subject: [New post] Day 20  #yiv2969879555 a:hover {color:red;}#yiv2969879555 a {text-decoration:none;color:#0088cc;}#yiv2969879555 a.yiv2969879555primaryactionlink:link, #yiv2969879555 a.yiv2969879555primaryactionlink:visited {background-color:#2585B2;color:#fff;}#yiv2969879555 a.yiv2969879555primaryactionlink:hover, #yiv2969879555 a.yiv2969879555primaryactionlink:active {background-color:#11729E;color:#fff;}#yiv2969879555 | latwallis posted: “It does not seem like it could possibly be day 20 but here it is. 5 more to go! The time has flown by and somehow this has been turned into something I look forward to each day. Even the 4AM wake up is not really an issue any more. The drive is bea” | |


    Luanne said:
    June 10, 2015 at 2:20 pm

    WOW Tony, I guess when treatment is every day you don’t realize how quick it is going.
    Glad you’re getting closer to this part being over. Again, You got this my friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Take care,

    Liked by 1 person

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